We had a great time Wednesday and Thursday making lunch with the kids. Because more students have been joining the program (yay!), the groups have been shifting a little, so every day it seems like we are meeting new kids and working with them in new ways.
Lunch Wednesday was a menu perfectly suited to getting lots of help from the kids - salad bar on a plate. When we had salad the first week, the kids enjoyed it, but we decided it would be more appealing to have all of the ingredients arranged separately on the plate. Team 2 got to work shredding cheese, chopping cucumbers, and prepping the lettuce.
Cindy and Dane have been continuing to work with the students on appropriate kitchen skills, like knife safety and sanitation (check out the fine form shown by a 4th-grader in this picture!). This week, they also taught lessons about ingredients and nutrition labels, discussing the ever-changing food pyramid (which is now actually a plate?). As the kids grow more familiar with us, each other, and the camp, they are beginning to absorb this information! We're certainly operating in terms of baby steps, but they are fantastic and rewarding steps nonetheless.
The food pyramid is now a plate? Hmmm, that's interesting. Wonder if they're going to give out free posters to all the schools in the country so they take down their pyramid ones!